SM Audiophiles?





That’s my mate, spent an absolute fortune on hi-fi. He tells me he can hear flaws in most recordings and it’s getting boring just listening to Steely Dan’s Aja over and over again.
If I like a song I probably get more enjoyment it playing through a transistor radio at work than directed to a particular seating position in a room with the song played through hi-fi set-up that cost thousands. Having a nice setup at home is good but not to the point where the equipment is more important than the actual music.


That’s my mate, spent an absolute fortune on hi-fi. He tells me he can hear flaws in most recordings and it’s getting boring just listening to Steely Dan’s Aja over and over again.
If I like a song I probably get more enjoyment it playing through a transistor radio at work than directed to a particular seating position in a room with the song played through hi-fi set-up that cost thousands. Having a nice setup at home is good but not to the point where the equipment is more important than the actual music.

There's a balance to be struck that is for sure. I think there's a *good* HiFi which is one you enjoy listening to, as opposed to a *HiFi* HiFi which may be more like to reveal all the little niggles.

Prime reason why I am unlikely to go back to vinyl any time soon. The pops and crackles which are an integral part of it are not something that I *personally* am prepared to put up with for the sound quality that can be had. But each to their own.



Prime reason why I am unlikely to go back to vinyl any time soon. The pops and crackles which are an integral part of it are not something that I *personally* am prepared to put up with for the sound quality that can be had. But each to their own.

Age old argument and there are those that fall one side of the fence or the other.

I'm now in the I love the soundstage my system produces and as such can't see me changing. The next upgrade would be expensive, the power amp would overload the speakers which would need to be replaced and to get the best would need paired preamp so in essence changing nearly all that I have but never say never


Age old argument and there are those that fall one side of the fence or the other.

I'm now in the I love the soundstage my system produces and as such can't see me changing. The next upgrade would be expensive, the power amp would overload the speakers which would need to be replaced and to get the best would need paired preamp so in essence changing nearly all that I have but never say never

Yeah, similar boat. There's no cheap upgrade. I think the biggest fear I have is the source is now pretty much un-supported. At some point the software that I use to control it will no longer function on a modern iOS and I'll be reduced to squinting at a dot matrix display to find what I want to play.

Granted I can use it as a DAC for another streaming device, but that sort of defeats the object of having it all in one. (I have a Raspberry Pi running Voumio on the stack as well. Feeds a digital input but allows me to synch music from the living room and garden, and bedroom and bathroom should I so desire, but the scenario has yet to arise. I can't really tell the difference between the Stream native and the Pi, but the configuration of the Stream makes it difficult to do quick back to back comparisons)

Then there's the amps that would almost certainly benefit from a (quite reasonable) upgrade / mod. As for the speakers I would *love* to try some of the newer versions or the bigger ones but £££££

Soooo, lots of ideas mulling around, nothing that leaps out at me.



The issue I have with Speakers is that Mrs Z likes the look of the ones we currently have and that counts for a lot when they sit in the lounge
Mine are sort of black monoliths. Thing is Mrs C loves the system as much as I do. Pretty sure she'd not complain if I installed the ugliest speakers on the planet if she liked how they sounded......



A mate of mine had serious bowel problems, genuinely thought he was dying

turned out a regular part of his diet was sugar free werthers, not dying now

FWIW one of the FB groups someone is selling some Quad Electrostatics with a hum. £150.....

I'd risk that like a shot (always wanted to try some ES speakers) except they are 18kg *each* and a long way away. The fact that they won't actually fit in our house (or marriage, notwithstanding Mrs C's general view on hi fi) is secondary!



The issue I have with Speakers is that Mrs Z likes the look of the ones we currently have and that counts for a lot when they sit in the lounge
I'm in a similar boat.
My wife thinks all speakers are ugly, and should not be allowed in the drawing room (except maybe for small hidden in-wall or in-ceiling jobs).
The ones we have (Linn) are simply the ones she dislikes the least, so I'm stuck with them.


FWIW one of the FB groups someone is selling some Quad Electrostatics with a hum. £150.....

I'd risk that like a shot (always wanted to try some ES speakers) except they are 18kg *each* and a long way away. The fact that they won't actually fit in our house (or marriage, notwithstanding Mrs C's general view on hi fi) is secondary!

I bought a quad HiFi from a guy who had a pair of those, like you if I'd come home with them I'd have been looking for somewhere else to live.

Looked like he had the same problem, terraced house alone and the speakers in storage


I bought a quad HiFi from a guy who had a pair of those, like you if I'd come home with them I'd have been looking for somewhere else to live.

Looked like he had the same problem, terraced house alone and the speakers in storage
As an aside, this reminds me of many years ago (probably over 40) when I was chatting to a friend who had a bass guitar and some MASSIVE tower speakers, also in a terraced house.
I naively asked, don't the neighbours ever bang on the wall.
He replied, well I've never heard them :lol:
Classic !


I'm in a similar boat.
My wife thinks all speakers are ugly, and should not be allowed in the drawing room (except maybe for small hidden in-wall or in-ceiling jobs).
The ones we have (Linn) are simply the ones she dislikes the least, so I'm stuck with them.

How can something like these (not that I could afford them) be ugly?
